Our Team
Funded and supported by:
Founded in 1936 by William T. Grant, the Foundation funds research “that increases understanding of programs, policies and practices that reduce inequality in youth outcomes, and how policymakers and practitioners acquire, interpret, and use research evidence.” Learn more about the Foundation’s goals here.

The URE Methods Repository is located in a Collection on the Open Science Framework, developed by the Center for Open Science. CoS’ mission is to “increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of research”. Find out more about the Center for Open Science’s goals here.
URE Methods Advisory Board

Annette Boaz, Kingston University (UK)
Kim DuMont, American Institutes for Research
David Martin, University of Southampton (UK)
José Felipe Martínez, University of California Los Angeles
David Mellor, Center for Open Science
Jamila Michener, Cornell University
Pamela Moss, University of Michigan
William Penuel, University of Colorado Boulder