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Critical Perspectives
- Christian Gade: When is it justified to claim that a practice or policy is evidence-based? Reflections on evidence and preferences
- Kara Finnigan: The Political and Social Contexts of Research Evidence Use in Partnerships
- Ruth Stewart et al.: Transforming evidence for policy: do we have the evidence generation house in order?
- Mark Rickinson and Marcia McKenzie: Understanding the research-policy relationship in ESE: insights from the critical policy and evidence use literatures
- David E. Kirkland: No Small Matters: Reimagining the Use of Research Evidence From A Racial Justice Perspective
- Caitlin Farrell, et al.: Conceptions and Practices of Equity in Research-Practice Partnerships

Historical and Current Concepts
- Laurenz Langer: Walking the last mile on the long road to evidence-informed development: Building capacity to use research evidence
- Vivian Tseng and Cynthia Coburn: Using Evidence in the US
- Vivian Tseng: Research on Research Use: Building Theory, Empirical Evidence, and a Global Field (WT Grant Digest, Issue 7)
- Larry V. Hedges: Challenges in building usable knowledge in education
- Elizabeth N. Farley-Ripple, Kathryn Oliver and Annette Boaz: Mapping the community: use of research evidence in policy and practice

Methodological Perspectives
- Itzhak Yanovitzky: Why Should We Study the Use of Research Evidence as a Behavior?
- Mark Rickinson, et al.: Using Research Well: A Framework for Understanding Quality Use of Research Evidence
- William Penuel and Anna-Ruth Allen: To Study Conceptual Use of Research, Consider Tradeoffs Among Methods
- Zachary P. Neal et al.: Just Google it: measuring schools’ use of research evidence with internet search results
- Jennifer Lawlor, et al.: Approaches to measuring use of research evidence in K-12 settings: A systematic review
- Drew Gitomer and Kevin Crouse: Studying the Use of Research Evidence: A Review of Methods